German Shepherds: Everything You Need to Know About Them

When it comes to dogs, there are a ton of different breeds to choose from. But if you’re looking for the best all-around dog, the German shepherd is hard to beat. They are intelligent, loyal, and make great protectors. In this blog post, we will discuss everything you need to know about German shepherds: their temperament, care requirements, health concerns, and more. We’ll also take a look at the pros and cons of owning one of these dogs so that you can decide if a German shepherd is right for you.

All about German shepherds: temperament, care, health

One of the most important things to consider before getting any dog is whether you have the time and energy to take care of them properly. German shepherds are large dogs and require a lot of exercises. They also need to be trained properly, or they can become destructive. If you’re not prepared to commit to taking care of a German shepherd, then they might not be the right breed for you.

Another thing to keep in mind is that German shepherds are bred for work. This means that they have a lot of energy and can be very vocal. If you’re looking for a low-key dog that will lounge around the house all day, a German shepherd is probably not the right fit. However, if you’re active and looking for a dog that will join you on hikes and runs, then a German shepherd could be perfect.

Why the German shepherd is the best dog breed

When it comes to health, German shepherds are generally a healthy breed. However, there are some health conditions to be aware of, such as hip and elbow dysplasia, degenerative myelopathy, and epilepsy. Be sure to talk to your veterinarian about these conditions and whether or not they’re a concern for your dog.

Overall, German shepherds are great dogs. They’re intelligent, loyal, and make great protectors. However, they’re not right for everyone. Be sure to do your research before getting a German shepherd to make sure that they’re the right breed for you. Thanks for reading! I hope this blog post has been helpful. Let me know if you have any questions in the comments below.

If you’re thinking about getting a German shepherd, there are a few things you should keep in mind. In this blog post, we’ll discuss everything you need to know about German shepherds: their temperament, care requirements, health concerns, and more. We’ll also take a look at the pros and cons of owning one of these dogs, so that you can decide if a German shepherd is right for you.

Why German Shepherds are the best dogs for protection

One of the most important things to consider before getting any dog is whether or not you have the time and energy to take care of them properly. German shepherds are large dogs and require a lot of exercise. They also need to be trained properly, or they can become destructive. If you’re not prepared to commit to taking care of a German shepherd, then they might not be the right breed for you.

Another thing to keep in mind is that German shepherds are bred for work. This means that they have a lot of energy and can be very vocal. If you’re looking for a low-key dog that will lounge around the house all day, a German shepherd is probably not the right fit. However, if you’re active and looking for a dog that will join you on hikes and runs, then a German shepherd could be perfect.

When it comes to health, German shepherds are generally a healthy breed. However, there are some health conditions to be aware of, such as hip and elbow dysplasia, degenerative myelopathy, and epilepsy. Be sure to talk to your veterinarian about these conditions and whether or not they’re a concern for your dog.

The Pros and Cons of Getting a German Shepherd Dog

German Shepherds are one of the most popular breeds of dog in the United States. They are known for their loyalty, intelligence, and athletic ability. German Shepherds make excellent companions and can be trained to perform a variety of tasks.

However, they are also a high-maintenance breed that requires regular exercise and training. German Shepherds are also prone to certain health problems, such as hip dysplasia and elbow dysplasia. As a result, potential owners should research the pros and cons of owning a German Shepherd before making a decision.

Overall, German shepherds are great dogs. They’re intelligent, loyal, and make great protectors. However, they’re not right for everyone. Be sure to do your research before getting a German shepherd to make sure that they’re the right breed for you. Thanks for reading!

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The Grossest Things You Didn’t Know Were in Dog Fur

It’s no secret that dogs shed fur. In fact, a single dog can produce up to 250 pounds of hair in a year! But what you may not know is just how gross that hair can get. Dog fur is full of all sorts of nasty things, including bacteria, parasites, and even viruses. Yuck! In this blog post, we’ll take a look at some of the grossest things that can be found in dog fur. We’ll also discuss ways to keep your dog’s coat healthy and clean. So read on if you want to learn more about the icky side of dog fur!

How much fur do dogs really shed?

When it comes to shedding, all dogs are different. Some breeds shed very little, while others can lose up to a pound of fur per week! The amount of hair your dog sheds depends on many factors, including their diet, health, and coat type. Regardless of how much fur they shed, all dogs should be brushed regularly to help remove dead hair and prevent matting.

Ways to use dog fur

Believe it or not, there are actually many ways to use dog fur! Dog fur can be used to make clothing, blankets, and even furniture. It can also be used as a form of insulation or stuffing for toys. If you have a dog that sheds a lot, you may be able to make some extra money by selling their fur.

Tips on How to Groom Your Dog’s Fur

Proper grooming is essential for keeping your dog’s fur healthy and free of mats. Here are a few tips on how to groom your dog’s fur:

  • Brush your dog’s fur regularly with a soft bristled brush.
  • Bathe your dog only when necessary, using a mild shampoo designed for dogs.
  • Trim your dog’s nails regularly to prevent overgrowth.
  • Check your dog’s fur for fleas and ticks on a regular basis.

10 ways to use dog fur

  1. Dog fur can be used as a natural fertilizer for your garden
  2. It can be added to compost piles to help break down organic matter
  3. You can use it as insulation in your home or attic
  4. Mix it with clay to create a natural paint or sealant
  5. Use it to make sturdy rope or twine
  6. Add it to your soap recipe for extra lather and conditioning properties
  7. Dog fur can be used as a natural fertilizer in your garden
  8. Put dog fur in your shoes to keep your feet warm in the winter
  9. Make a rug or a blanket out of dog fur
  10. Stuff a pillow with dog fur for extra comfort and support

4 Tips on How to Groom Your Dog’s Fur

Every dog owner knows that regular grooming is important for keeping their pet healthy and happy. In addition to preventing mats and tangles, grooming also helps to remove dirt, debris, and loose hair. However, with so many different types of dog fur, it can be difficult to know how to properly groom your pet. Here are five tips on how to groom your dog’s fur:

1. Choose the right brush. The type of brush you use will depend on the type of fur your dog has. For example, a bristle brush is good for short-haired dogs, while a slicker brush is better for longer-haired breeds.

2. Start at the head. When brushing your dog’s fur, start at the head and work your way down the body. This will help to prevent mats and tangles from forming.

3. Be gentle. Dogs have sensitive skin, so it’s important to be gentle when brushing their fur. If you see your dog start to squirm or try to pull away, take a break and try again later.

4. Don’t forget the undercoat. Many dogs have a double coat of fur, consisting of an outer layer and an undercoat. It’s important.

Why you should never shave your dog

Shaving your dog’s fur can actually do more harm than good. Their fur protects their skin from the sun and helps regulate their body temperature. When you shave your dog, you remove this important layer of protection. Additionally, shaving can damage your dog’s fur and make it more likely to become matted. If you must shave your dog, be sure to use a very sharp blade and avoid going too short.

Hopefully this blog post has taught you a thing or two about the gross things that can be found in dog fur. Remember, proper grooming is essential for keeping your dog’s coat healthy and clean. And if you’re ever tempted to shave your dog, think twice! Their fur is there for a reason! Thanks for reading!

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Reasons Why Golden Retrievers Are the Best Dogs

Golden retrievers are the best dogs. There, we said it. If you’re not convinced yet, keep reading. In this ultimate guide to golden retrievers, we’ll cover everything from why they’re so great to how to take care of them. Whether you’re a first-time dog owner or just considering adding a golden retriever to your family, you’ll want to read this post!

Advantages of golden retrievers

Golden retrievers are one of the most popular dog breeds in Canada. One reason for this is because they’re so easy to train. Another reason why golden retrievers make great pets is that they have a long lifespan: some live as long as 15 years! If you want an affectionate companion who will always be by your side through thick and thin, a golden retriever is your best bet.

Golden retrievers are great with children because they’re patient dogs who love to play fetch or run around outside. A well-trained golden retriever can be taught not only basic commands like sit or stay but also more advanced tricks such as rolling over on command! Golden retrievers love people – especially kids – so they’ll want nothing more than to spend time with their human family members all day long.

Golden retrievers are also low maintenance pets. You don’t have to worry about grooming them too much or taking care of any health issues because golden retrievers are generally healthy dogs with few breed-related problems such as hip dysplasia or eye problems.

Another advantage of owning a golden retriever is that they’re easy to train – even for first-time dog owners! Golden retrievers love learning new things and doing tricks like fetching balls from the yard or jumping through hoops when you ask them to (with some practice). And if you don’t want to train your golden retriever yourself, you can always take them to obedience classes.

Ways to give a golden retriever puppy its first bath

Giving your golden retriever puppy its first bath is essential for keeping them clean and healthy. Here are ten tips to make the process as easy – and fun! – as possible:

Make sure you have everything you need before beginning, such as a towel, shampoo, and brush. Fill up a tub or sink with warm water (not hot!) and make sure that it’s deep enough for your puppy to stand in. It should be about halfway above their belly button when standing upright on all four legs.

Place your golden retriever puppy in the tub or sink carefully, supporting them under their chest with one hand while holding onto their collar with another (preferably from behind them). Wet their fur all over with warm water, then apply a small amount of shampoo to your hands and start massaging it into their coat. Be sure to avoid getting any in their eyes or ears.

Rinse the shampoo off thoroughly, making sure to get all of the suds out – you can use a wet towel to help. Gently towel-dry your puppy, then brush their fur to remove any remaining water. Make sure they’re completely dry before letting them go outside or back into the house.

How to teach your golden retriever not to chew on shoes

If you’ve ever had a golden retriever, you know that they have a tendency to chew on things – especially shoes! But there are ways to train them not to do this.

First, make sure you’re providing your golden retriever with plenty of chew toys and other items that are appropriate for them to chew on. This will help satisfy their natural chewing instinct and keep them from wanting to chew on your belongings.

When you see your golden retriever chewing on something they shouldn’t, firmly but calmly tell them “No” and remove the object from their mouth. Give them a chew toy instead so that they’ll start associating chewing with this new behavior.

If you’re training an older dog, try using positive reinforcement techniques like giving treats when they stop doing whatever behavior you want them not to do, such as chewing on shoes.

If none of these methods seem effective in stopping your golden retriever from chewing on things they shouldn’t, try using a bitter apple spray or other deterrent that tastes bad so that they’ll associate the taste with their undesirable behavior and hopefully stop doing it altogether!

Finally (and most importantly), regardless of what you do or how much training they’ve had, make sure your golden retriever has plenty of toys and things to chew on so that they don’t have any reason to go after your belongings in the first place.

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15 Popular Dog Breeds for Families

Choosing the right dog breed is an important decision for any family. Not only do you need to factor in your lifestyle and what kind of personality would be a good fit for your home, but you also need to consider the size and temperament of different dog breeds. If you’re looking for a family-friendly dog breed, here are fifteen of the most popular options.

15 Most Popular Dog Breeds for Families

When it comes to selecting a family dog, there are many factors to consider. One of the most important things to think about is the size of the dog. You don’t want to decide on a breed that is too big or too small, because it will be difficult for your child to take care of it. In this blog post, we will discuss 15 popular dog breeds that are perfect for families. We will also tell you why each breed is a good fit for children, and what you need to know before making your final decision.

Let’s take a look at some of the most popular breeds:

Labrador Retriever

The Labrador Retriever is a large breed of dog that is known for being friendly, outgoing, and intelligent. They are a great choice for families with children because they are gentle and easy to train.

Golden Retriever

The Golden Retriever is another popular breed of dog that is perfect for families. They are also large dogs who are known for their friendly temperament and intelligence.


The Poodle is a popular breed of dog that comes in three different sizes: standard, miniature, and toy. They are known for being intelligent and easy to train, and they make great family pets.


The Bulldog is a medium-sized breed of dog that is known for its friendly temperament and low energy level. They are a good choice for families with small children, because they are gentle and don’t require a lot of exercise.

Bichon Frise

The Bichon Frise is a popular breed of dog that is known for being friendly, playful, and intelligent. They make great family pets and are a good choice for families with small children.

Yorkshire Terrier

The Yorkshire Terrier is a popular breed of dog that is known for being playful, active, and intelligent. They are a good choice for families with children who want a pet that can keep up with them.

Boston Terrier

The Boston Terrier is a popular breed of dog that is known for being friendly and playful. They are a good choice for families with small children, and they don’t require a lot of exercise.


The Dachshund is a popular breed of dog that is known for its low energy level and friendly temperament. They are a good choice for families with small children, and they don’t require a lot of exercise.

Cocker Spaniel

The Cocker Spaniel is a popular breed of dog that is known for being friendly and active. They are a good choice for families with children who want an energetic pet.


The Pomeranian is a popular breed of dog that is known for being playful, active, and intelligent. They make great family pets and are a good choice for families with small children.


The Boxer is a popular breed of dog that is known for its friendly temperament and high energy level. They are a good choice for families with children who want an energetic pet.

German Shepherd

The German Shepherd is a popular breed of dog that is known for being intelligent and loyal. They are a good choice for families with children who want a pet that is easy to train.

Siberian Husky

The Siberian Husky is a popular breed of dog that is known for its friendly temperament and high energy level. They are a good choice for families with children who want an energetic pet.

While each of these breeds would make a great family pet, it’s important to do your research before making your final decision. Be sure to consider the size of the dog, its temperament, and how much exercise it will need. You also need to be aware of the potential health risks associated with each breed.

If you’re still not sure which breed is right for your family, consult a veterinarian or dog trainer for more advice. They will be able to help you find the perfect dog for your child’s lifestyle and personality. Thanks for reading!

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A Beginner’s Guide to Owning a Dog

You’ve decided you want a dog, but what kind? Do you have enough space in your home to provide the pet with all it needs? How much time do you spend outside the house each day? These are some important questions to consider before bringing home any pup.

This blog post is designed for beginners who are looking for guidance about owning a dog. Use these tips as an introduction if this will be your first time!

Consider your lifestyle before you get a dog

Does your lifestyle allow for time to train and exercise a new dog?

Do the people who live in your home like dogs, or will they be indifferent towards this pet?

Are you able to provide enough food, toys, and medical care each month if required? These are all influential questions that should be considered before bringing a new dog into your life.

If you can answer yes to the majority of these questions, then owning a dog may be a great decision for you! Dogs are incredibly loyal companions and can provide years of love and happiness if given the proper care.

Right time to get a dog

If you’re not sure whether now is the right time to get a dog, there are plenty of online resources that can help you make this decision. The ASPCA website ( has a wealth of information on all aspects of owning and caring for a pet, as well as advice on what to do if you’re struggling with your decision.

If you decide that now is the right time, you’ll need to find a reputable breeder. This is an often overlooked step in the dog-owning process that can prevent future problems with your pet!

If you are thinking about adopting from a shelter or rescue group, research their policies before committing. Make sure they have all the appropriate information on your dogs, such as vaccines and veterinary records.

Adopting a dog from a shelter or rescue group can be an incredibly rewarding experience, but it’s important to remember that these dogs may have been through a lot in their previous home. They may need some extra patience and training when you first bring them home.

No matter where you get your dog, be sure to have a meet and greet with all potential family members before making the final decision. This will help ensure that everyone in the home is happy with the new addition!

If you are not able to care for a dog at this time, consider becoming a foster parent instead! You can provide temporary help to a dog that requires it while also getting the joy of having your own pet.

Food bowls and toys

You are now ready to prepare for your new pup! Make sure you have all of their necessities in place before bringing them home, including food bowls and toys!

Make sure their living quarters are safe by purchasing any necessary products, such as a crate and dog gate.

Dogs need time outside to run around and play, so be sure you have a safe place for them to do this in your yard.

If you live in a cold climate, consider purchasing a coat or sweater for your pup to keep them warm during winter walks.

There are a ton of training resources out there, but this blog post is designed to be an introduction for those looking for guidance about their new pet.

Be sure you keep your pup on a consistent feeding schedule and provide them with plenty of exercises each day. This will help prevent behavior problems as they get older!

Make sure all family members are on board with training and start this as early as possible.

You should also contact your local veterinarian to schedule their annual checkup! They will be able to provide you with any necessary vaccines or medications that your pup may need in the future. It’s always better to get these preventative steps taken care of sooner rather than later.

New dog

Welcoming a new dog into your home can be an incredibly rewarding experience, but it’s important to remember that this is a long-term commitment. Dogs require love and attention on a daily basis, and they will return this affection tenfold! Be sure you are ready for the responsibility of owning a dog before making the final decision.

Now that you’ve read this post, you should have a good understanding of what owning a dog entails. Be sure to do more research on the specific breed of dog you are interested in before making your final decision—every pup is different!

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Why Dogs Run Away From You And How To Prevent It

We trust it never transpires, yet consistently, numerous mutts escape from even the most mindful and cherishing proprietors. Counteraction is vital to dodging this tragic situation. Peruse on to gain proficiency with the most widely recognized reasons hounds flee, and how to keep your own dearest pet safe. Our canines love us, isn’t that so? In any event they sure act like it. So it’s difficult for us to envision why our canine would need to leave a protected, warm, dry home where he gets feed a few times each day, love, consideration, toys, treats, and so on. It seems like doggy paradise.

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Help Us Stop Puppy Mills

puppy mills
How can you get involved and show you care?  Your VERY FIRST step is to sign the End Puppy Mills Pledge!

THE PLEDGE:  I know that puppy mills are places of unspeakable and heartbreaking animal suffering.

By signing this pledge I commit to help end puppy mills by:

  1. Thinking carefully before getting a dog.
  2. Choosing wisely and only from an ethical source such as a humane society, SPCA or rescue group.
  3. Loving the dog I have chosen deeply and for life.
  4. Educating my friends and family about puppy mills.

If you encounter a puppy mill in your search for a dog you will probably want to rescue one of the dogs.  By taking the following actions you can help shut the place down and rescue all of the dogs from a life of suffering and misery:

  • Take photos of the facility and the individual dogs, especially those that appear sick or injured
  • Document everything – how many dogs you saw, what breeds, what the facility smelled like, what it sounded like
  • Contact your local humane society, SPCA or police immediately and provide them with all of your documentation.
What’s a puppy mill?Puppy mills are inhumane breeding operations that churn out as many puppies as possible, as quickly and cheaply as possible.

That means filthy, crowded cages, minimal human contact, little or no veterinary care, and unspeakable suffering for the dogs bred in these places.

Share this website

Share this website with anyone you know who is thinking of getting a dog. It will put straight into their hands the crucial knowledge and tools they need to decide if they are ready to own a dog, to pick the right dog for them, and to adopt or buy a dog from a responsible, humane source.

Every click indicates a diverted purchase of a dog from a pet store, puppy mill, or irresponsible breeder.

Thank you Technobark for supporting our campaign!

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